As a new parent, it’s common to experience disrupted sleep as you attend to your newborn 24/7 for feeding, changing and settling to sleep.
The early weeks and months can be intense as you adjust to less sleep and/or broken sleep. As your baby grows and feeds more and establishes their own sleep-wake cycle, generally the number of wakeups during the night decreases.
Sleep deprivation can be one of the most challenging parts of being a parent.
Some sleep deprivation is normal when you have a baby. However, if lack of sleep is interfering with your mood or your ability to function as a parent during the day, it’s a good idea to speak to your doctor about new ways to manage the juggle of early parenthood and your wellbeing.
Be sure to ask friends and family for support whenever possible.
“I couldn't get all these thoughts out of my head about what would happen if my baby didn't sleep. And ultimately, my baby slept. But I didn't and that began 10 days of absolute hell of just worsening anxiety symptoms every day. And I didn't sleep for ten whole days.”
Sleep Tips

Sleep tips for everyone
Sleep disturbances due to baby
When baby is sleeping well but you aren’t
Sleep tips when you’re caring for a baby
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Sleep Tips