We update these resources regularly, so keep checking back for more.
Proudly supporting PANDA logo
To apply to use our "proudly supporting PANDA logo" please complete the Fundraising Agreement so we have a record of your activity. Upon receipt of your form, you will be provided with a copy of the logo and the guidelines for use.
Certificate of fundraising appreciation
Upon request and for donations over $500, we can provide you with a customised certificate of appreciation.
Order printed resources
We have a wide range of resources that can be ordered free off our website. These are general perinatal mental health factsheets, posters, translated brochures and information about the PANDA Helpline.
Unfortunately PANDA does not have any stock of, or provide merchandise for fundraising activities. You can read more about our goals for sustainability in our 22-25 Strategic Plan.
Social Media
We encourage you to tag us and share your fundraising activity on social media.
We ask that you are mindful of others and thier opinions, and how you intend to moderate comments when promoting on social media.
Generating media
When or if you are generating publicity, you must send PANDA any media releases, artwork, or description of PANDA and PANDA services before publishing and distribution. These can be sent as a reply to your fundraising agreement confimration email.
While we have guides on how to talk about Perinatal Mental Health, Mindframe have great resources to support communicating about mental ill-health in communications and the media.
Perinatal Mental Health Week
Every year in November, we mark Perinatal Mental Health week and provide the community with a range of resources to promote, aise awareness and fundraise during the week. Find these resources on the Perinatal Mental Health week page.
Mental health checklist
How are you going?
Everyone’s experience of pregnancy, birth and parenting is unique and brings different rewards and challenges. Our mental health checklist can help you to see if what you’re experiencing or observing in a loved one could be reason to seek help.