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Amy’s story: How PANDA supported me in the perinatal period

"The counsellor validated all my feelings and gave me the space to just blurt out everything that had been weighing on my mind."

I have a 16-month-old son and a loving husband.

Prior to conceiving my son, I experienced three miscarriages, which greatly impacted my mental health and led to high anxiety through my pregnancy with my son.

Before the miscarriages, I was so looking forward to pregnancy and sharing the news and excitement with friends and family.

After my first miscarriage, I noticed changes to my mental health. Every time there was even a faint positive on a pregnancy test, I would be filled with anxiety.

It's hard to share and feel supported when you have the history of pregnancy loss. People don't know how to support your anxiety.

We miscarried twice more before conceiving my son with help from a fertility clinic. That pregnancy stuck, but the anxiety stayed the whole way through the pregnancy.

It was a very difficult time for both me and my husband. For a long time, we didn't know what was wrong and it was hard not to blame ourselves. A lot of other areas of our life were put on hold, and it was hard to focus on anything else.

Recognising the signs and finding the right support 

I had anxiety when I was a lot younger which I had learnt to manage well. From that experience, I was able to recognise some of the signs. This helped me to talk about it more with my husband and get help from a counsellor.

We opted to work with a pregnancy and birth doula once we got past the mid-way point of my pregnancy with my son. Given my history, we wanted the extra mental and emotional support and I'm so glad we did as my doula was a godsend.

I experienced a lot of guilt when life with a baby inevitably had its struggles, particularly because I wanted a living baby for so long. I felt I needed to be loving it and grateful for it all the time. And whilst I love my son deeply, this is of course hard when you're sleep deprived and have a constantly cranky/crying baby that you don’t know how to sooth.

I sought support in a few different ways – a fertility counsellor through the fertility clinic, pregnancy/birth doula, the PANDA helpline, and saw a psychologist for a few sessions in the postnatal period.

Contacting PANDA for help

It wasn't until the later stages of the postnatal period that I also reached out to the PANDA helpline.

The biggest challenge for me was not knowing where I fit, particularly in my earlier pregnancies that ended in miscarriage. At that time, I wasn't sure I could call PANDA as I wasn't sure that counted in the perinatal mental health bucket. I didn't know much about PANDA in those early stages, but now I know from my call with them, that they would have probably been a great support at that time too (just as they were in the postnatal period with my son).

I was nervous about calling the Helpline. I wondered if what I was struggling with was really that bad and I would hate to take resources away from other women who really need it. When I expressed this to the counsellor, she told me that she was so glad that I did call and that I wasn't being a nuisance at all. That was a huge relief.

“The counsellor validated all my feelings and gave me the space to just blurt out everything that had been weighing on my mind.”

My son had not been sleeping well at the time I called, and I was worried about judgement on the way I handled his sleep - but I didn't get that at all. She did offer some tips after she had fully heard me out, but the advice was more for me to regulate myself and help me, rather than on what I was or wasn't doing for my son.

Reflecting now, that is/was so important as I do believe it’s so beneficial for your baby when you’re emotionally regulated and in an okay mental state yourself.

Ongoing support for mental health

I think I will always have some level of anxiety in my life but now I know my triggers and how I can support myself or find support when things start to get too much. It's even more important now that my son is around, as he needs a mum that is mentally healthy.

To support my mental health, I communicate with my husband. Talking things through with him helps me to realise if I'm thinking irrationally or getting into an unhelpful spiral.

I have stopped seeing my psychologist now as I am managing well, but I know that option is always there if I need to go back. I now have a few tools in my toolkit I can call on i.e. breathing exercises, mindfulness, journaling etc.

“I remind myself that perfectionism isn't real and that I will drive myself crazy trying to be the perfect mum.”

I'd love for society to be more aware of the struggle’s women go through in pregnancy and in new motherhood. There is such a stigma, which makes it so difficult for women to talk openly about any mental struggles they may have. Even when you think you’re struggling only a little bit, there is no shame to seek out help.

I hope sharing my story will help other parents know that support is available.

What happens when I call the PANDA Helpline?

When you call PANDA, we’ll provide a free, safe, caring and confidential space for you to talk through any concerns you may have as an expecting or new parent, or support person.

Find out more information about calling the Helpline and commonly asked questions in the article.

Read what happens when I call the PANDA Helpline

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PANDA National Helpline

Find someone to talk to, Monday to Saturday.

1300 726 306

Call 000 for police and ambulance if you or someone else are in immediate danger

Talk with friends or family

Consider talking about how you are feeling with someone you trust. This might be a friend or family member. Once you starting talking you might be surprised at how many others have had similar experiences and the support they can provide you.

Talk with your doctor

Talking with your doctor can be an important step to getting the help you need. They should be able to give you non-judgemental support, assessment, diagnosis, and ongoing care and treatment. They can also refer you to specialists such as a counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist.

Get help now

If you are having suicidal thoughts or are feeling disorientated it’s important to get help immediately. PANDA is not a crisis service, if you need immediate support call Lifeline 13 11 14 (24/7).

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Everyone’s experience of pregnancy, birth and parenting is unique and brings different rewards and challenges. Our mental health checklist can help you to see if what you’re experiencing or observing in a loved one could be a reason to seek help.