Pregnancy and parenting can feel isolating and lonely at times – this is especially true if you’re a sole parent.
You’re constantly thinking about the health and welfare of your little one, while still juggling the demands of daily life, and trying to find time to meet your own needs too. When you don’t have a community of support to share the load, life as a sole parent can feel overwhelming and stressful.
As a sole parent, you are part of the fastest growing family type across Australia.
It’s important to know that you don’t need to face your parenting journey alone and that there is help available.
From sole parents by choice, to those parents whose partner lives overseas or works away much of the time, as well as those who may be separated or widowed - sole parents don’t fit into any one category.
You may have separated during pregnancy or within the first year after your baby is born. This can be a very challenging time as you adjust to a new life on your own as well as potentially grieving for the life you had expected as a parent.
Loneliness, isolation, lack of support and a reduced social network are associated with perinatal mental health and wellbeing challenges.
Being able to talk with someone who understands the challenges of sole parenting and mental health can be helpful. You can reach out to PANDA on 1300 726 306.
“I really tried to create a community around me in my local area. So go down to the little coffee shop everyday and grab a coffee, you start to see the same people, just those little things where you're connecting with others.”
Survive & Thrive Podcast

Podcast: Building your community of care as a solo parent
What does loneliness feel like?
Potential challenges of being a sole parent
Benefits of being a sole parent
Spending time reconnecting with yourself can decrease feelings of isolation
Reaching out for support
Making life easier as a sole parent
Building your community of care a sole parent
As a sole parent, you are doing an incredible job raising your child. Sole parents are strong and resourceful but you don’t need to do it all alone. If you’re finding things feel very difficult or you want to know more about the support available to you, call PANDA on 1300 726 306.
Survive & Thrive Podcast