Advisory groups and Centres of Research Excellence
PANDA is a part of many advisory groups and Centres of Research Excellence (CRE). We hope to help researchers pursue collaborative research, improve health outcomes, and promote and translate research into policy and practice.

Centre of Research Excellence in Childhood Adversity and Mental Health
PANDA supports the Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) in Childhood Adversity and Mental Health at Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. The CRE brings together families with lived experience, practitioners, researchers and policy makers from health, social care, and legal sectors with an aim to prevent the significant mental health burden experienced by children and families experiencing adversity.
Ensuring that children in Australia have the best start in life involves providing equitable access to quality services and support for families. The Childhood Adversity and Mental Health CRE aims to create Child and Family Hubs, co-designed with end users, that seek to improve children’s mental health by earlier detection and response to family adversity.

Centre of Research Excellence in Science Translation for e-Psychological Perinatal Supports
The Centre of Research Excellence in Science Translation for e-Psychological Perinatal Supports (STePPS CRE) is a national research centre led by the Parent-Infant Research Institute. The STePPS CRE is driving the identification, development, and translation of the most effective, cost-effective, and sustainable e-mental health interventions in the first 1,000 days (conception to 2 years).
The STePPS team have established a powerful nucleus of rigorously evaluated digital supports, programs and perinatal depression treatments and a national stepped-care model for delivery. Now they work towards shifting these evidence-based approaches to scale, making this part of the healthcare system, in order to unleash the potential of e-interventions to massively improve the persistent gap in uptake and effectiveness in the real world.

Mental Health Reform Advisory Committee
The Mental Health Reform Advisory Committee is shaping and supporting the government’s response to the Better Access evaluation and broader mental health reforms.
The Mental Health Reform Advisory Committee is committed to reforming the mental health and suicide prevention system, so all Australians can access affordable care when and where they need it.
Areas of focus include distributional equity of mental health care, low intensity services and models of care, solutions for people with complex needs, and triage, assessment and referral.

Young Well Beings project steering group
Young Well Beings is a program supporting young mum.
It is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and is managed by the School of Health Sciences at Western Sydney University with the support of Western Sydney Local Health District Mental Health Service.
PANDA is proud to be a member of the project steering group.

PANDA is a member of the Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health (GAMMH), a coalition of international organisations and national alliances of multiple organisations committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of women and their children in pregnancy and the first postnatal year (the ‘perinatal period’) throughout the world.
We are also a member of the Australian branch, the Australian Maternal Mental Health Alliance.